Y掺杂Ba0.90Sr0.08Ca0.02TiO3固溶体纳米晶粒尺寸 对其晶体结构的影响
Influence of Nanocrystalline Size of Ba0.90Sr0.08Ca0.02TiO3 Solid Solution Doped with Yttrium on Its Crystal Structure
李东升 延安大学化学系, 化学反应工程省级重点实验室, 延安716000 
吴淑荣 西北大学化学系, 西安710069 
熊为淼 西北大学化学系, 西安710069 
王文亮 延安大学化学系, 化学反应工程省级重点实验室, 延安716000 
杨文选 延安大学化学系, 化学反应工程省级重点实验室, 延安716000 
关键词: Ba0.90Sr0.08Ca0.02TiO3固溶体  纳米晶粒尺寸  钇掺杂  晶体结构
基金项目: 陕西省教委重点及专项科研基金;(No.97JZK14,No.99JK106).
Abstract: The title nanocrystalline powders were prepared by sol-gel method, the influences of grain size on crystal structure were investigated by XRD and DSC techniques.The experiment results show that the tetragonal ferroelectric phase content of the powders and the Curie temperature Tc are increased with the increase of grain size.When the grain size is less than 34.7nm, crystal structure of the particle changes into cubic paraelectric phase and the transition of ferro-paraelectric phase disappears as well.
Keywords: Ba0.90Sr0.08Ca0.02TiO3 solid solution  nanocrystalline size doped with yttrium  crystal structure
投稿时间:1999-08-09 修订日期:1999-10-12
摘要点击次数:  1605
全文下载次数:  1481
李东升,吴淑荣,熊为淼,王文亮,杨文选.Y掺杂Ba0.90Sr0.08Ca0.02TiO3固溶体纳米晶粒尺寸 对其晶体结构的影响[J].无机化学学报,2000,16(3):519-522.
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