Sythesis and Characterization of A New Zeolite MAP Used in Detergent
傅乐峰 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
王仰东 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
黄震 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
董家騄 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
须沁华 南京大学化学系, 南京 210093 
摘要: 在SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O-H2O体系中,采用加入晶种的方法水热合成出新型洗涤剂用沸石-MAP.其硅铝比(Si/Al)在1.07~1.13之间,平均晶粒直径小于0.4μm,钙离子交换容量为290~313mgCaCO3/g(干沸石),非离子表面活性剂的吸附量在83~100goil/100g(沸石)之间。本文着重考察了影响合成MAP沸石的因素,确定了MAP沸石会成的最佳范围
关键词: 洗涤剂用沸石  MAP沸石  合成  表征
基金项目: 863计划资助项目(No.715-06)
Abstract: A new zeolite MAP used in detergent has been synthesized from SiO2-Al2O3-Na2O-H2O system Under conditions with seeds.The effects on the MAP product qualities of the Presence of seeds, aging and compositions of the reaction mixtures were investigated.This paper also describes the physical and chemical properties of zeolite MAP.The samples obtained were high crystallinity, high purity, having a Si/Al molar ratio of 1.07~1.13, and had high calcium exchange capacity of 290~313 mgCaCO3/g(zeolite), fine crystal diameter of less than 0.4um and high oil absorption of 83~100g oil/ 100g(zeolite).
Keywords: detergent zeolite  zeolite MAP  synthesis  characterization
投稿时间:1999-06-14 修订日期:1999-09-13
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