Synthesis and Characterization of Tribenzyltin(IV) Derivatives of Alkynyl or Alkenyl Phosphonic Acid
尹汉东 聊城师范学院化学系, 聊城252059 
马春林 聊城师范学院化学系, 聊城252059 
张如芬 聊城师范学院化学系, 聊城252059 
关键词: 三苄基锡  炔基(烯基)膦酸  合成
基金项目: 山东省自然科学基金(Q98BO1117);山东大学晶体材料国家重点实验室资助课题
Abstract: Six novel tribenzyltin(IV) dervatives of alkynyl or alkenyl Phosphonic acid (PhCH2)3SnOP(O)(OH)R, Where R=C≡CPh, C≡CC3H7 n,C≡CC4H9 n, C≡CC5H11 n,C≡CC6H13 n, CH=CClPh,were synthesized by resaction of the monosodium salt of the alkynyl or alkenyl phosphonic acid with tribenzyltin(IV) chloride in benzene. Their structures were cheracterized by elementary analysis, IR,1H NMR, 119Sn NMR, MS and TG DTA. The results showed that these compounds arefive coordinated -O-P-O-bridged polymers.
Keywords: tribenzyltin  alkynyl or alkenyl  phosphonic acid synthesis
投稿时间:1999-03-29 修订日期:1999-09-13
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