Preparation, Structure and Luminescence of BaMAl10O17:Eu2+(M=Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cd, Mn, Co, Li) System
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系, 广州510632 
冯德雄 暨南大学化学系, 广州510632 
徐如海 暨南大学化学系, 广州510632 
杨培慧 暨南大学化学系, 广州510632 
石春山 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所稀土化学与物理实验室, 长春130022 
摘要: 在BaMAl10O17体系中,将M扩大到除镁以外的其它离子,研究和讨论了离子半径与基质结构的形成关系,提出能稳定(形成)尖晶石结构的M离子有相应的磁铅矿或βAl2O3结构的化合物存在的思想,并研究了Eu2+在体系中的发光性能。结果表明,M=Zn,Cd,Mn,Co,Li时可形成β-Al2O3结构化合物,M=Ca,Be时不能形成这类结构,Ca形成多相共存,B
关键词:   多铝酸盐  结构  发光
基金项目: 广东省自然科学基金(No.970613);国务院侨办基金(939540);稀土化学与物理开放实验室资助项目
Abstract: The BaMAl10O17 (M= Be, Mg, Ca, Zn, Cd, Mn, Co, Li) system has been synthesized by solid state method and characterized by XRD. The results show that when Mis Mg, Zn, Mn, Co, Li, there exists the structure of β-Al2O3 for BaMAl10O17 system, and when Mindicates Cd, β-Al2O3 structure is formed accompanying α-Al2O3 phase, and when Mrepresents Be and Ca, β-Al2O3 structure cannot be formed. This demonstrates that the condition forming β-Al2O3 structure compounds for the system BaMAl10O17 is 0.05nm< RM < 0.09nm(RM represents the radius of M).The thought that if a Mion can form a stable spinel structure there exsits a corresponding magnetoplumbite and β alumina structure is proposed for BaMAl10O17 system according to the experimental results. When Mis Li, Be, Zn, Eu2+activator produces an emission of nearly 450 nm with half height width about 50 nm, when Mis Mn, there are simultaneously the emissions of Eu2+ and Mn2+ and the excitation energy of Eu2+can transfer to Mn2+in the host, when Mis Cd, Eu2+displays a double emission band, which can be explained by the Jahn Teller's effect. It is possible for the system BaMAl10O17 with M being Li, Be, Zn to become blue emitting component in three colour lamp through further study.
Keywords: europium(Ⅱ)  polyaluminates of barium  structure  luminescence
投稿时间:1999-04-23 修订日期:1999-07-05
摘要点击次数:  1200
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