Studies of the Interaction of Co(Ⅲ) Complex with DNA
宋玉民 西北师范大学化学系, 兰州730070 
康敬万 西北师范大学化学系, 兰州730070 
高锦章 西北师范大学化学系, 兰州730070 
冯亚非 兰州师范高等专科学校化学系, 兰州730070 
摘要: 为了考察金属配合物中配体分子平面大小对金属配合物与DNA作用模式的影响,用荧光法和光度法对乙二胺合钴(Ⅲ)([Co(en)3]3+)、联吡啶合钴(Ⅲ)([Co(bpy)3]3+)和邻菲咯啉合钴(Ⅲ)([Co(phen)3]3+)与DNA的作用进行了研究。结果表明[Co(phen)3]3+与DNA作用时除存在静电作用模式外,还存在插入
关键词: 钴(Ⅲ)配合物  小牛胸腺DNA  插入作用  静电作用
基金项目: 甘肃省中青年基金资助课题(ZQ95011)
Abstract: In order to understand how the size of the ligands' planarties can effect the complexes of binding to DNA, the binding of the complexes [Co(en)3]3+、[Co(bpy)3]3+ and [Co(phen)3]3+ to calf thymus DNA was investigated with spectroscopic and fluorometric methods. The three complexes bind to DNA by electrostatic fashion, for [Co(phen)3]3+ also exists intercalation mode. The intercalate binding affinities was consistent with the ligands's planarities.
Keywords: cobalt(Ⅲ)  calf thymus DNA  intercalative binding  electrostatic binding
投稿时间:1999-03-11 修订日期:1999-05-12
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