Preparation and Characterization of Ni-Al Hydrotalcite Like Compound
谢鲜梅 太原理工大学化学工程与技术学院, 太原030024 
摘要: 采用变化pH值法和恒定pH值法,以硝酸镍、硝酸铝为原料,NaOH为沉淀剂水热合成了层状化合物镍铝水滑石。分别测定了Ni/Al摩尔比为05、10、20、60和100混合金属盐溶液的NaOH滴定曲线,并利用XRD对滴定过程中不同pH值阶段的合成物进行物相鉴定。实验结果表明,在Ni/Al=10~60范围内,不论起始混合盐溶液中Ni/Al摩尔比如何,在pH=5.0~6.0范围内,均能合成结构单一的镍铝水滑石,随Ni/Al比的增加,合成的HTLc(水滑石)中镍含量随之增加;合成体系在较低pH(33~4.8)范围为A
关键词: 镍铝复合物  层状化合物  水滑石  阴离子粘土  制备
Abstract: The preparation of NiAl-hydrotalcite like compound[NiAl-HTLc]was studied.NiAl-HTLc was synthesized by the methods of variable and constant pH respectively with the materials of Ni(NO3)2、Al(NO3)3、Na(OH).It was studied that evolution of pHversus NaOH(mmol)during the basic titration of solutions containing Ni/Al=0.5、1.0、2.0、6.0、10.0.Phases of synthesized compound at different pH were detected by XRD.It was shown that pure NiAl-HTLc can be prepared at pH=5.0~6.0 domin whenerer Ni/Al ratio was in mixed salt solutions.Nickel content increased with increasing of Ni/Al ratio.At lower pHvalues,Al(OH)3 was formed(3.3< pH< 4.8).At higher pH values,the excess of divalent metal precipitated as Ni(OH)2 and HTLS was formed (6.0< pH< 7.5).The effect of other factors on prepared HTLc were disscused also.The best conditions of preparation of HTLc were obtained.
Keywords: Ni-Al compound  layered compound  hydrotalcite  anioni clay  preparation
投稿时间:1999-03-29 修订日期:1999-05-23
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