STUDY ON THE SPECTROELECTROCHEMISTRY OF [Mo(dtc)4][Eu(dtc)4] AND [Mo(dtc)4][Er(dtc)4
傅清红 解放军后勤工程学院基础化学教研室 重庆 630042 
张恒斌 吉林大学化学系 长春 130023 
孙春亭 吉林大学化学系 长春 130023 
摘要: 本文报道利用循环伏安法和紫外可见光谱法测定了过渡金属钼、镧系元素铕和铒与N、N-二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸根(dtc)构成的八配位离子对配合物:[Mo(dtc)4][Eu(dtc)4]和[Mo(dtc)4][Er(dtc)4]的氧化还原特性和光谱性质。实验证实,配合物的配正离子[Mo(dtc)4+比配负离子[Eu(dtc)4-和[Er
关键词: 光谱电化学 钼铕N、N-二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸配合物 钼铒N、N-二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸配合物 电化学
Abstract: Redox and spectroscopic properties of the eight-coordination complexes of the transition element Mo and lanthanide element Eu and Er with N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate (dtc) were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and UV -Vis absorptive spectra. The complex cation [Mo(dtc)4+ is more stable than the complex anions [Eu(dtc)4- and [Er(dtc)4- and possesses good redox reversibility. The electron exchange number, formal potential and rate constants of redox reactions for the complex cation were obtained by in-situ spectroelectrochemistry.
Keywords: spectroelectrochemistry complex [Mo(dtc)4][Eu(dtc)4] complex [Mo(dtc)4][Er(dtc)4] electrochemistry
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